Social Class is defined as "people having the same social, economic, or educational status." As discussed in class, a lot of people judge each other based on: possessions, appearance, education, jobs that they have, friends, activities, etc. WHY do we do this? Why is our social class so important? Why do we judge people by who they are because of money?

    Like this video with Tammy, even her own son is embarrassed by her own mother and talks bad about her when she is working hard, walks ten miles to work everyday and tries to provide for her sons, when her sons are just given everything. I have to admit that who in their right mind puts down their own mother as well as yells out the window to make fun of them. OK it is just crazyyy. I don't understand. People have feelings and people are people. Just because they don't have money or nice things doesn't mean they don't matter. THEY DO!!! They are trying to be better. Everyone has a past and everyone is effected by what their parents do. BUT at least some people try. If you were born into the upper middle class, of course you are given more chances, but if you were born in poverty or the working class, you wont. SO don't judge people.

    Furthermore, people can have a lot of money and not show it off and you can think they are poor, but in reality they are actually rich. In our society we have to learn to accept all people, to help others, to motivate, and INSPIRE. And just because you are born into a class doesn't mean that you are there forever. It's about your motivation, what you truly desire, and what you are willing to do to get there. But not everyone is the same. We all have different wants and goals and that's were we need not to judge but inspire and care for them anyways. That should be our goal in life....TO INSPIRE and TO HELP!!! WHAT ARE Y'ALL THOUGHTS?

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