
This section is a very touchy subject for me. The reason being is because I have seen a lot of divorce in my life. My my parents to my mother and her ex husband. All around me I have seen what it does and how it effects not only children,but people are involved. In the book it talks a lot about what causes divorce. Some of them Included
- Communication problems
-Lack of emotional support
-unsatisfactory sex
-constant conflict
-financial problems
-alcohol or other drugs
-growing apart

Seeing this list I can attest how true it is. A lot of these problems are what I say in my family as well. But what are your thoughts? Do you Agree?

Secondly, since my dad got remarried I have had a step-mom in my life for a long time. The way we met was n a difficult situation, but we can and still love her to this day. Divorce is very hard on the children and effects them in more ways then one, but remarriage is also a blessing or can be. I for one was excited to have a family with more brothers and sisters.

But what are some of your experiences? What do you think about divorce and remarriage? any personal experiences?