This week we learned about theories. As all the different types of theories were being discussed, I thought about what theory I really am, but was laughing at the same time because I feel like I am all of them. But the conclusion that I came to, was Symbolic interaction.

Symbolic interaction is when you assume things. In my life, that's all I ever do I feel like. For example, when going on a date if a guy doesn't open my car door to get in, I automatically think....I CAN'T BE WITH HIM, BECAUSE I WANT TO MARRY A GENTLEMAN. Welp just like with this theory I would move on and that would be the end of it.

Now with my boyfriend Matt, he would appreciate that I didn't do this with him, because on our first date he didn't open my door, but I still gave him a chance and now I am really happy I have found someone that really completes me in every way. (even though I have told him this and still want this) its about open communication and not assuming what others do and how it can or will effect you, but GIVE EVERYONE A CHANCE...SEE WHERE IT what you wanna do and JUST BE HAPPY!!!

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