"The most important work that you will ever do is within the walls of your own home."
parenting is always something that was an interest to me. Growing up I didn't have a nuclear family. I grew up in a family with step parents and trying to come together to make a family was never easy. I came from a family that I didn't agree with some of the things that they were doing and so I wanted to learn about it on my own. This is also why I love studying marriage as well. I love the idea of helping others and educating them and believe that if more people were educated in these things less problems would arise.

As we had to watch videos for this class, I learned so much. First, being a dictator to your kids will get you no where, it will just have them rebel even more and go the opposite way that you want them too. Second, looking for non verbal cues to open that line of communication is really important. Teens especially show signs all the time and if you take the time to be open with them you will have a better relationship with him. Third, writing letters to your spouse and children can be a powerful form of communication. I like how the man guy illustrated that in the videos. He said that staying positive and telling them their strengths will be a powerful tool and will affect them for the rest of their lives. I think that these are very powerful ways to help our kids and marriages. Parenting is never easy and every parent, family, and child is different but they need a solid foundation and a parent that will be active or give freedom with in limits. I believe in that so strongly because of again where I have come from. I learned a lot this week about this and of course always appreciate thoughts =D

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