This week we learned about theories. As all the different types of theories were being discussed, I thought about what theory I really am, but was laughing at the same time because I feel like I am all of them. But the conclusion that I came to, was Symbolic interaction.

Symbolic interaction is when you assume things. In my life, that's all I ever do I feel like. For example, when going on a date if a guy doesn't open my car door to get in, I automatically think....I CAN'T BE WITH HIM, BECAUSE I WANT TO MARRY A GENTLEMAN. Welp just like with this theory I would move on and that would be the end of it.

Now with my boyfriend Matt, he would appreciate that I didn't do this with him, because on our first date he didn't open my door, but I still gave him a chance and now I am really happy I have found someone that really completes me in every way. (even though I have told him this and still want this) its about open communication and not assuming what others do and how it can or will effect you, but GIVE EVERYONE A CHANCE...SEE WHERE IT what you wanna do and JUST BE HAPPY!!!


This week discussion was very interesting in the fact that we talked a lot about COHABITATION. Which can be describe as "a way that some people fulfill their intimacy needs without getting married and living with someone in an intimate, sexual relationship without being legally married." (Marriage and Family by Robert H. Lauer pg 11) It was amazing to see the pros     on what cohabitation does in a relationship as well as the Pros      of marriage.

Some of the Pros of Co-habitating:
  • Getting to know their living habits
  • Spending more time together
  • "Future test" - testing to see if marriage is something you both really want

Some of the Pros of marriage:
  • Rates of violence are lower (A women is nine times more likely to be killed in cohabiting)
  • Higher levels of commitment
  • More Sex in the marriage
  • More Stable
  • Work together issues and stay together longer

As I look at both of the Pros, I have to admit I am biased at one of them. I strongly believe that marriage is the way to go. The reasons being may be selfish or maybe its because of what I believe in, but I want to give everything I can and have to my husband. I want him to feel special and know that I will work at this marriage everyday of my life. Whereas, cohabiting you are more testing it to see if it works for the both of you. I want to be fully committed no matter what. Also, if we look back in the olden days...Man had to marry the women in order to have sex with them and live with them. A lot of people got married young because of it as well. Now these days we are so affaid of divorce that we feel the need to test everything out or prolong marriage because we live with them already. Why not just get married? Why not just follow what you feel and know to be right and get on with it? I know we all have different opinions and I really respect those that have cohabited and made it work. I know a lot of my family members have done it as well.

So I would love to get your thoughts and feedback.

Which one do you prefer? WHY?
Would you do it all over again if you had the Chance?
Knowing that 57% of people who Co-habitat will divorce would you still do it?